Selecting groomsmen gifts can be tricky. Bridesmaids get all of the cute stuff- personalized embroidered bags, engraved picture frames, maybe even a necklace- and this just won’t fly with the boys. The guys need something masculine and urbane. A great product to consider is the Van de Hagen Luxury Shave Set. Offering a bit of a retro feel, the set brings the fun back into shaving, offering an overall manly and quality experience.
The Luxury Shave Set includes a moisture-rich, kettle processed shave soap, a hand-dipped monogrammed shave bowl, and a 100% natural badger bristle brush and razor stand. Available at major retailers including drugstore.com, this set comes with a modest price of $32.95. Check out www.vdhent.com to learn more about the great products Van de Hagen has to offer.